“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly, teaching and admonishing one another in all wisdom, singing psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, with thankfulness in your hearts to God.” 
Colossians 3:16
9:30 AM- Adult Bible Study
10:30 AM- Worship & Children’s Classes
5:45 PM- Meal
6:15 PM- Youth Classes
6:30 PM – Adult Bible Study 

Connect Groups

Westview  is a church where we love to study
the Word of God. We believe that God’s will, plan and purpose are revealed in His Word.
Our Connect Groups are small groups that study and fellowship together on a regular basis.  




The Bible advises us to continue in fellowship with other believers. There is a reason for that! It edifies is, keeps us accountable, makes us more transparent and unplugs us from our secluded self-centered lives. We learn to share, invite-in, commune and interact with other believers. 




We are givers at heart and we model that in our lives. We do not believe in creating a mega church with lots of beautiful buildings and facilities. Rather, we believe in giving back. A healthy community is ripe to hear God’s Word. We invite our members to give to any of our community programs on a regular basis. 




If you attend Westview Christian Church and there is no spiritual growth in your life, then we did something wrong. That is why it is very important to us that you take away real life application not just spiritually, but for your family, finances and all areas of your life. God is our source of joy, and our deliverer.



Give Online

Or you can mail your checks to Westview Christian Church

Belinda Moore, September 14, 2023 - 10:11 am

Johnny Moore Sr. Has been transferred from Rehab to WK North Room 501. BP issues


Contact Information

Office Phone Number: (318) 635-0356
Minister:  Luke Bailey:  luke.bailey@westviewchristian.org
Office Hours: Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm